Feb 24, 2015
Category: Cooking time: 15-45 mins Serving: 10 people



A great, easy, fast, filling recipe for adults and kids alike.  It’s enough like tomato soup that the kids will enjoy it, but different enough that it makes things interesting for adults.  Add to this soup the cheese puff recipe and you’ve got yourself a slightly different, slightly tastier version of your classic grilled cheese and tomato soup.


  • 2 cans tomato soup
  • 1 can cheddar cheese soup
  • 2 small cans chicken broth
  • 1 quart of half and half (fat free works great also)
  • salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste
  • 1/2 small onion diced


Sautéed onion in a small skillet and set aside.  Put the tomato soup, cheddar cheese soup and chicken broth all in a large pot over medium heat.  Add in a little salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Start with a 1/4 tsp. and taste.  Add more if needed.  When about ready to serve add in the half and half and let it get warm.  Serve immediately.

Recipe from my In-laws

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