Dec 22, 2018
Category: Cooking time: 8 mins Serving: 8 people


Toffee is such a fun treat to have around the Holidays.  This pretzel toffee is super easy and tastes fantastic.  I made a white and milk chocolate version.  It is versatile and you can add in some fun toppings if you would like.


  • 1 c butter
  • 1 c sugar
  • 2 c chocolate chips (white, milk, or dark chocolate)
  • 1 c pretzels


Add parchment paper to a cookie sheet. Spread pretzels in a single layer over the parchment paper and set aside.


Melt butter in a pot. Once melted add sugar.


Cook on medium heat for 7-8 minutes or until a tan-ish brown color.


Pour toffee mixture over pretzels. Top with 2 cups of your favorite chocolate chips (we did half and half and used 1 cup white chocolate chips and 1 cup milk chocolate chips). Let chips melt for a few minutes and spread with spatula to cover toffee layer.


Let cool by refrigerating until hardened. Break into pieces and store in air tight container in the fridge.

Recipe from Lil’Luna

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