Mar 29, 2012
Category: Cooking time: 15 mins Serving: 8 people

Sometimes there are nights that you decide that you are going to have Hot Fudge Sundaes. But you can have it any night of the week and call it Hot Fudge Wednesdays, Hot Fudge Fridays 🙂 etc. This recipe is super easy and super quick and hey it is really good.

Recipe from: Our Best Bites


  • 3oz semi-sweet chocolate* (3 squares of baking chocolate, or about 1/2 C chocolate chips
  • 1/4 C butter (that’s a half of a stick folks. Admit it, at least one of you didn’t know that)
  • 1 Can Sweetened Condensed Milk

*I wouldn’t use milk chocolate for this, it’s way too sweet, however both dark and bittersweet are awesome


1. If you’re using baking squares, chop them up into small pieces so they melt easier. I chop the butter up into small chunks too.

2. Okay, it’s not rocket science. Put it in a pan on medium heat and melt it all together till it’s smooth, creamy, and just looking at it gives you happy thoughts.

3. If you have leftovers (but let’s be honest, you’ll have to quadruple the recipe to have leftovers) then put it in an airtight container in the fridge. It will harden into a soft, gooey fudge like consistency. Then keep a spoon handy on the counter and dip it in every time you pass by:)

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