Mar 30, 2013
Category: Cooking time: 10 mins Serving: A lot of people

Happy Easter!!  These candy carrots are perfect for topping off cake, cookies or cupcakes. They are super easy and make everything look cute.


  • Orange Starburst
  • Green Twizzlers


Take your Starbursts and cut it into half.  Shape Starbursts into carrot shape.  Take a wooden skewer and make a hole in the top of the carrot.  The green Twizzlers are already in little line shapes, so just cut them into small pieces, and take 2-3 pieces and press them together at one end, and then squeeze them in the opening in your carrot.  It works best to cut all of the greens first, then make each carrot to completion before starting the next one.  The Starbursts hardened as they sit out.  Press little lines into the top side of the carrot with a knife.  Now you can use them wherever you would like.

Recipe from Spoonful

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