May 14, 2015
Category: Cooking time: 15 mins Serving: 6-8 people


This recipe has been in my family for as long as I can remember.  It is quick, easy and can be made ahead of time.  When you are ready to eat, throw it into the oven and there you have it!


  • 2 cups cooked rice
  • 1 bunch of broccoli, cut into small pieces (frozen or fresh pre-cooked)
  • 3 chicken breast cooked and cut into small pieces
  • 2 cans cream of chicken soup
  • 1 1/2 tsp. season salt, more if needed
  • 2 cups shredded cheese


Preheat oven to 350. Combine all ingredients except the cheese together in a large bowl.  Pour into a 9 x 13 pan sprayed with cooking spray.  Layer the cheese on top.  Place in the oven for 20-30 mins.

Recipe from my sister Sharolyn Westra

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