Apr 15, 2014
Category: Cooking time: 30 mins Serving: 4 people

We have been making this recipe in my family for years.  It is a perfect way to use any leftover chicken and broccoli.  Add a little dill weed and cheese and there you have it.  It is a bundle of warm goodness in every bite!


  • 2 cups cooked chicken, chopped or shredded
  • 1 cup broccoli (I have also used frozen broccoli and cooked it in the microwave)
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 light mayo
  • 1 tsp. dill weed
  • 1 egg white, lightly beaten
  • 2 pkg. refrigerated crescent rolls (reduced fat works great also)


Preheat oven to 375.  Place chopped chicken and broccoli in bowl then add the cheese.  Add mayo, dill weed and salt.  Mix until all combined.  Unroll 1 pkg. of crescent dough – do not separate.  Arrange on one side of a lightly greased cookie sheet or lined with parchment paper.  Repeat with the remaining pkg. and put it on the other side.  Use a rolling pin or your fingers to seal all the slits in the dough.  Cut short slits along the two long sides of dough.

Evenly spread the chicken and broccoli mixture on the dough and braid up the two sides.  Brush egg white over dough.  Bake 25-28 mins or until golden brown.

Original Recipe from Pampered Chef and changed by Family Favorites

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