Feb 20, 2012
Category: Cooking time: 35 mins Serving: 4 people

I am not a big fan of cauliflower but the garlic and Parmesan make it taste great. My husband doesn’t like cauliflower at all but had seconds and said that it was really good. So if you like garlic and Parmesan you will like these veggies. The original recipe just calls for the cauliflower but I had broccoli that I needed to use also and they both tasted great. Enjoy!!


  • 3-4 tbs olive oil
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 head cauliflower
  • kosher salt and pepper
  • 2-3 tablespoons crumbled Parmesan cheese (stuff in a green can a-okay!)


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place olive oil and garlic in a small bowl. Heat in microwave for about 20 seconds and set aside.

Remove stem and leaves from cauliflower head and trim into large florets. Slice each floret into 1/4 inch slices and place on a foil-lined baking sheet. Drizzle with oil and garlic mixture and sprinkle with kosher salt and black pepper. Use clean hands to toss to coat. Add more olive oil if needed. Bake for 15 minutes and then toss with spatula. Bake 10 more and then toss with Parmesan cheese. Continue baking for 5-10 minutes until slightly golden brown on edges.

Recipe from Our Best Bites

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